Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ain't it Great, Number 28

Number 28 showed up Saturday and made it to Near Island for the big squirrel party that night.  Spruce cone liquor flowed freely and a large number of hungover squirrels were observed the following day.

We hope this is the last critter until next Spring as it's getting colder and the little buggers should be hanging close to their nests and cone middens.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mad Bomber Captured and Moved

Squirrel #27 captured yesterday - the little maniac was bombarding the house with spruce cones and he had to be stopped! Skippy "Natural" Peanut Butter (loaded with sugar, but, hey, it's "natural") proved irresistible to the little bugger and he was quickly and humanely moved to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary - you can see him in his new home in the bottom photo.
BTW, click on the title to view an hilarious squirrel video (not of my creation).

As you can see, the Mad Squirrel Bomber is very acrobatic

Checking out the new digs......

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Three in three days


It's been a squirrel a day for the last three days here at the CRSRP. The three musketeers showed up a few days ago and have now been transported to release areas Alpha and Charlie at the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well,the weather hasn't been fit for man nor squirrel until the last couple of days. Man and rodent both hunkered down during the high winds and rain. Two frisky critters emerged Friday morning zipping around the house and up and down trees. One was captured in the afternoon - he's is pictured in the bottom two photos.
CRSRP personnel returned from a successful fishing expedition find #25 awaiting transport to Near Island to be reunited with his compadre.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09-09-09 Number 23 Moves to Near Island

Squirrel #23 was apprehended late this afternoon - he was hiding under the playhouse, thus a strategic placement of the trap was required. He is happy in his new home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hiatus Ends - Gearing Up for Autumn

CRSRP staff have just returned from a lengthy survey of red squirrels around the Kodiak Archipelago. We've observed Tamiasciurus hudsonicus in a variety of habitats and noted many similarities to the Cliffside population: same color, tail, shape, destructive actions, cute behavior, and vocalizations. Our biologists feel that they are the same species.

We investigated the possibility of transporting local squirrels to islands other than Kodiak, but cost remains prohibitive and we have yet to locate a transporter who is willing to donate their services. We remain optimistic, however.

Discussions with staff at Fort Abercrombie, the obvious breeding ground for our population, have been disappointing; no squirrel eradication program is envisioned for the immediate or distant future. Apparently groups of radical tree-hugging greeny eco-terrorist vegetarians opposed any attempts at reduction of squirrel populations.

Research into possible contraceptive methods is ongoing; Trojan has declined to develop a squirrel-sized condom, despite the number of human males it would fit - apparently the advertising department felt that marketing squirrel-sized condoms would not be a successful endeavor despite the number of men it would fit, especially extreme right wing talk show hosts. Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glen Beck (the hemorrhoid with eyes) declined the offer to be spokesmen for the product.

We are also considering publishing a book of squirrel recipes should more extreme action be required.

At this time, the peanut butter is on the trigger and the trusty Hav-a-hart awaits its next resident.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Number 22 has left the neighborhood

Squirrel #22 entered the trap early this afternoon and was transported to an undisclosed location. Another squirrel was chattering at him from a branch above while 22 polished off the peanut butter bait.

Blackjack! CRSRP makes 21!

Mr. 21 was a crafty devil. First, he upset the trap by going for peanut butter that had fallen on the floor of the Havahart. Due to a temporary unavailability of CRSRP personnel, the trap was closed and placed on a pile of lumber - Mr. 21 knocked it on the ground trying to get at the PB. Upon resetting the trap, he was caught within three hours. Off to Near Island Release Site Alpha for this persistent little guy.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Relocation Moratorium

The Project is observing a relocation moratorium and allowing the squirrels free reign of the neighborhood. Enjoy your summer, but watch out for the dogs!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We Score a Score! Squirrel #20 Relocated!

Squirrel #20 was captured around midday today. Once again the crafty critter could not resist the siren call of Safeway "O" organic crunchy peanut butter, the only bait endorsed by the CRSRP.

Despite earlier attempts at creating a new sanctuary on the Kodiak College campus, The Yellow Porcupine, baiter, transporter and chief administrator of the CRSRP has decided to continue to use the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary. Today's healthy specimen of Tamiasciurus hudsonicus was released at SRA Delta (pictured below), used the for the first time.
On a day when both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett have passed and Mark Sanford has done his bit to promote tourism in Argentina, we pause to remember the many squirrels who have spent time, however brief, with us here on Cliffside Road. May they prosper in their new homes and hope that Sarah Palin doesn't support aerial squirrel shooting.

Note Vito's apparent lack of interest in #20 - after you've seen twenty squirrels, it's pretty hard to get too excited any more.

Squirrel Release Area (SRA) Delta

Squirrel Twenty shortly before release; note the peanut butter on the trigger.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

UPDATE: June 24 2009: Vito and the Cats

One squirrel was observed yesterday, being stalked by an orange, long-haired cat that is new to the neighborhood. We've also got a short-haired calico hanging around attempting to bond with our cat, Vito, who is not allowed outside. (Save the Songbirds). Monday night we awoke to the calico sitting outside our bedroom window, nose-to-nose with Vito on the inside.
It appears that these cats are keeping the squirrels at bay - as CRSRP staff will be departing for botany surveys in the KNWR, we hope feline deterrence will continue.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Squirrel #19 Captured; New Squirrel Sanctuary Chosen

The CRSRP has quickly ramped up to active status with the apprehension of squirrel #19 on Friday, June 19.
Project Director The Yellow Porcupine has boldly moved forward with the designation of the Kodiak College campus as an Alaska Red Squirrel Sanctuary. This decision allows the team to reduce both squirrel transport time and its overall carbon footprint.
We are cautiously optimistic that the two mile distance from the project site will prevent squirrels from returning. However, the lack of an obstacle such as the Near Island Channel may not deter returnees, so recidivism rates will be monitored.
As always, peanut butter remains the best enticement to luring squirrels into the Havahart live trap. The Project, of course, only uses organic peanut butter.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

CRSRP Team back from hiatus

The team has been away from the area and disabled the trap. The trap is now active and awaiting its next red squirrel.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

THE DAILY DOUBLE!! For the Second Time!

While gazing out the kitchen window and enjoying a refreshing beverage, CRSRP Executive Director, The Yellow Porcupine, observed squirrel #18 trip the trap. Time: 1332 hours.
Eighteen was loaded, transported, and released in SRA Charlie where he proceeded to give his transporter a piece of his squirrel mind. It is believed that the red squirrels have declared jihad on CRSRP. The threat level is now Jif.
No photos are available for squirrel 18.

17th Squirrel Captured After Taunting CRSRP Personnel

Number 17 showed up this morning and proceeded to taunt CRSRP personnel who were patrolling the area. As a result, the Havahart trap was baited with extra tasty crunchy peanut butter which the rogue could not resist. Captured and relocated to SRA Baker at 1100 hours

Trap at SRA Baker just prior to squirrel release:

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Squirrel #16 Apprehended - No End in Sight

Two days of inactivity ended today when squirrel #16 "Richard Parker" was trapped, transported and released at 1010 hours. He was released at Squirrel Release Area Charlie (SRA Charlie)

SRA Charlie:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 1: A Squirrel Free Day!!!

June 1 was the first squirrel free day in almost a week. Participants in the CRSRP are enjoying the respite from transport and relocation duties.
This morning, June 2, has been quiet with no squirrel activity observed.

Monday, June 1, 2009

CRSRP HITS THE DAILY DOUBLE! Total Trapped Squirrels is now 15!

Sunday morning I awoke a little before 0700 and looked out the window to see squirrel #14 caught in the Havahart trap. I drove the little bugger to Squirrel Release Area (SRA) Baker to start his new life. There was insufficient time to determine the squirrel's name.
Note that the CRSRP is now using two new SRAs because noted local biologist S. Studebaker has suggested that SRA Alpha is probably at or exceeding its carrying capacity.
Upon returning home, I reset the trap. Within the hour, squirrel #15, "Donaldo", had been apprehended. Donaldo was transported to SRA Charlie where, it is assumed, he is now residing.
Current activity appears to be low, but like Mount Redoubt, things can ramp up at any time.
Squirrel #14

SRA Baker on Near Island

Squirrel #15 "Donaldo"

SRA Charlie on Near Island

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Baker's Dozen Milestone Attained

This morning Squirrel #13 "Scampers" was captured and relocated to Near Island at 0905 hours. CRSRP observers believed that Scampers was observed in the area of the trap yesterday when #12 was incarcerated.


View of the trap in its setting

Close up of trap showing Scampers being detained

Squirrel Relocation Transport Vehicle loaded and ready to roll

Scampers being released - you can see him in the upper left portion of the photo, heading for the nearest spruce tree

Friday, May 29, 2009

A Dozen Squirrels Trapped - #12 Caught Today

Squirrel #12 was captured this morning at 0815 and relocated to Near Island shortly thereafter. Another squirrel was observed scampering around the trap while #12 was incarcerated. We have a never ending supply of Alaska red squirrels.

Gateway to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary

Squirrel Release Area (SRA) located within the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary

This post has nothing whatsoever to do with Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court nominee, Barack Obama, waterboarding, mancow, Matthew Erich "Mancow" Muller, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman, countdown, huckabee, nasa, space shuttle, taliban, hamas, clinton.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Red Squirrel Trapping Extravaganza, Part XI

This morning two squirrels were observed scampering about and entering the trap without triggering it. More peanut butter was added and the trigger was reset, resulting in the capture of "Sparky", the eleventh squirrel to be caught and relocated to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary. The Havahart Live Trap awaits cagey number 12.
Here's hoping we hit a dozen before June!

If you were looking for information related to supreme court nomination, justice, sonia sotomayer, barack obama, waterboarding, mancow, gm, pakistan, afghanistan, bankruptcy, abbas, rush limbaugh, or rachel maddow, you are in the wrong place.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Red Squirrel Roundup, Part X

Today at 1130, red squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) #10, "Sonia", was captured and relocated to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary as part of the ongoing efforts of the Cliffside Squirrel Relocation Project. An eleventh squirrel was observed in the area, so the trap has been reset.
Readers may be thinking that The Yellow Porcupine leads a sad, pathetic life in which he has nothing to do but obsessively trap squirrels. Nothing could be farther from the truth. TYP leads an exciting life full of fulfilling activities and enviable accomplishments that is only heightened by his squirrel trapping efforts.
Why trap the little buggers, you ask? Well, they moved into one of our sheds over the winter and made a major mess, including chewing through an outside wall, resulting in considerable water damage. If Ah had a .22, I'd be a-eatin' 'em, not trappin' 'em.

This post has nothing whatsoever to do with Sonia Sotomayor, Supreme Court nominee, Barack Obama, waterboarding, mancow, Matthew Erich "Mancow" Muller, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Rachel Maddow, Keith Oberman, countdown, huckabee, nasa, space shuttle, taliban, hamas, clinton.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Spontaneous Generation Plagues CRSRP

As chief administrator of the Cliffside Squirrel Relocation Project, I have been puzzled by the proliferation of squirrels. A red squirrel is captured and relocated, yet another almost immediately appears in his/her place. Clearly, spontaneous generation is at work in our neighborhood. Yesterday, the ninth squirrel (designated "S9") in the last three weeks materialized in the live trap without warning. S9 was relocated to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary without incident. Note the defiant expression on S9's face in the photo above. Investigation continues as to the source of these squirrels.

As before, this post has nothing to do with Guantanamo Bay, Gitmo, Obama, Cheney, Steele, Oprah, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Bristol Palin, Trig or Tripp Palin, American Idol, North Korea, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Islam

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CSRP Update: Squirrel #8 Detained & Relocated

"Stinky" was captured around 1300 hours on May 19 after skillfully eluding capture for several days. He was relocated to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary later that day. The Cliffside Squirrel Relocation Project has now successfully relocated eight red squirrels. The Project was initiated because the squirrels had moved into an outbuilding and created quite a mess, including chewing through a wall, allowing rain to enter. Whether other squirrels are in the area remains to be seen. Rest assured that observers with the CSRP will remain vigilant.

This post has absolutely nothing to do with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, abortion, Notre Dame, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Steele, Donald Rumsfeld,etc.

Monday, May 18, 2009

CSRP Failure to Apprehend 18 May 2009

Yet, ANOTHER red squirrel has appeared in the area. "Stinky" entered the trap, but the trigger failed to engage. CSRP personnel are dismayed, but remain optimistic that a successful outcome will be accomplished.