Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Three in three days


It's been a squirrel a day for the last three days here at the CRSRP. The three musketeers showed up a few days ago and have now been transported to release areas Alpha and Charlie at the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Well,the weather hasn't been fit for man nor squirrel until the last couple of days. Man and rodent both hunkered down during the high winds and rain. Two frisky critters emerged Friday morning zipping around the house and up and down trees. One was captured in the afternoon - he's is pictured in the bottom two photos.
CRSRP personnel returned from a successful fishing expedition find #25 awaiting transport to Near Island to be reunited with his compadre.



Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09-09-09 Number 23 Moves to Near Island

Squirrel #23 was apprehended late this afternoon - he was hiding under the playhouse, thus a strategic placement of the trap was required. He is happy in his new home.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hiatus Ends - Gearing Up for Autumn

CRSRP staff have just returned from a lengthy survey of red squirrels around the Kodiak Archipelago. We've observed Tamiasciurus hudsonicus in a variety of habitats and noted many similarities to the Cliffside population: same color, tail, shape, destructive actions, cute behavior, and vocalizations. Our biologists feel that they are the same species.

We investigated the possibility of transporting local squirrels to islands other than Kodiak, but cost remains prohibitive and we have yet to locate a transporter who is willing to donate their services. We remain optimistic, however.

Discussions with staff at Fort Abercrombie, the obvious breeding ground for our population, have been disappointing; no squirrel eradication program is envisioned for the immediate or distant future. Apparently groups of radical tree-hugging greeny eco-terrorist vegetarians opposed any attempts at reduction of squirrel populations.

Research into possible contraceptive methods is ongoing; Trojan has declined to develop a squirrel-sized condom, despite the number of human males it would fit - apparently the advertising department felt that marketing squirrel-sized condoms would not be a successful endeavor despite the number of men it would fit, especially extreme right wing talk show hosts. Unfortunately, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Glen Beck (the hemorrhoid with eyes) declined the offer to be spokesmen for the product.

We are also considering publishing a book of squirrel recipes should more extreme action be required.

At this time, the peanut butter is on the trigger and the trusty Hav-a-hart awaits its next resident.