Thursday, August 4, 2011

03 Aug 2011: Squirrel Hordes Return

After many squirrel-free months, they returned with a vengeance in July.  In the last three days, I have captured and relocated 9 squirrels; yesterday, we trapped 5 in one day!  In the last couple weeks, we have captured a total of 17.   Due to our research on squirrel behavior, each squirrel has been released in a different location, farther and farther out the road to White Sands Beach.  We believe these are yearlings seeking their own territory who have been pushed out of the Fort Abercrombie forest by the older, bigger squirrels.  Red squirrels are highly territorial and will chase and harass any interlopers; that's why  we now release each squirrel in a different location, hoping to reduce any competition for territory and increasing chances for survival.