Wednesday, May 20, 2009

CSRP Update: Squirrel #8 Detained & Relocated

"Stinky" was captured around 1300 hours on May 19 after skillfully eluding capture for several days. He was relocated to the Near Island Squirrel Sanctuary later that day. The Cliffside Squirrel Relocation Project has now successfully relocated eight red squirrels. The Project was initiated because the squirrels had moved into an outbuilding and created quite a mess, including chewing through a wall, allowing rain to enter. Whether other squirrels are in the area remains to be seen. Rest assured that observers with the CSRP will remain vigilant.

This post has absolutely nothing to do with Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, abortion, Notre Dame, Nancy Pelosi, Michael Steele, Donald Rumsfeld,etc.

1 comment: said...

Very good trapping pics. I have one where the squirrel is chattering a bit. on